AI REGIO Regions

Discover AI REGIO Vanguard Regions
South Netherlands, East Netherlands, Tampere, Norte, Emilia Romagna, Navarra, Slovenia, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Bask Country

Discover AI REGIO 4 Motors Regions
Regione Lombardia, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Catalonia, Baden-Württemberg
Success Stories
AFIL is an Italian private association, recognized by Lombardy Region as the regional technological cluster for Advanced Manufacturing. AFIL is the outcome of a Lombardy-Region-led process aiming to set-up a network of clusters interested in carrying out, at national and at international level, an integrated and sustainable system of infrastructures, competences and methodologies supporting research and innovation.
COMET is an officially recognized Friuli Venezia Giulia cluster organisation, representing around 3,800 local enterprises working in the mechanics and metal processing sector. COMET is member of the the regional DIH, IP4FVG - Industry Platform 4 Friuli Venezia Giulia (www.ip4fvg.it).
Basque Industry 4.0 is a move towards the incorporation of intelligent systems into production plants, the improved use of emerging capabilities and technologies in new products and processes, the integration of advanced materials into higher added-value solutions and improved processes, and the efficiency and sustainability of resources and integration of high added-value services.

AI4Manufacturing Toolkit
A collection of operational technologies, data analytics tools and platforms, designed to provide support to system integrators and technology adopters to create new AI-based applications.
AI4Manufacturing Toolkit