IoT Validation Element Renderer

Energy Consumption and Speed Optimization of the Machines

The Experiment goal is the implementation of an AI tool that defines and optimized the machine parameters (rotation and linear speed) for a future product considering historic data and product dimensions and focusing on energy consumption reduction.

The expected solution will consist of an optimization tool on top of the previous predicting model. This optimization tool will provide a set of solutions to minimize the energy consumption of the modelled machine. This solution will prescript the controlling parameters of the machine. In principle, this tool is designed to run offline and in an open loop, as a decision support for the operators. This information will be provided on a human machine interface connected to a web server.

The operator nowadays configures the machine according to their experience (AS-IS). The optimization tool will be used by the operator to receive information about the optimal setpoint that will minimize the energy consumption per reference.

EC Project AI REGIO AI REGIO | DIH-driven EXPERIMENTS Trend Artificial Intelligence Validation Type Use Case